モニカ・ベルッチ 洋書写真集 / Monica Bellucci★女優 イタリアの宝石 ファション写真家 大型本 Richard Avedon Peter Lindbergh コレクション
カテゴリ本、雑誌アート、エンターテインメント映画、テレビ映画俳優ガイド状態やや傷や汚れあり(詳細)■商品 中古洋書【Monica Bellucci】 出版社:Rizzoli New York 2011年発行 240ページ サイズ33.6×26.5×3センチ ハードカバー 定価60USドル
■ An exquisite tribute to Italy’s most important contemporary model and actress. As a model, Monica Bellucci graced the covers of magazines such as Elle and Esquire before achieving success as an actress whose notable appearances include roles in Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Matrix Reloaded, The Passion of the Christ, and The Matrix Revolutions. This glamorous volume features 150 of the most exquisite, sensual photographs of Bellucci throughout her twenty-year career taken by the world’s most important photographers, including Peter Lindbergh, Helmut Newton, Fabrizio Ferri, Richard Avedon, and Ellen von Unwerth. Monica Bellucci will appear in the 2010 Disney film The Sorcerer’s Apprentice with Nicolas Cage.
■ An exquisite tribute to Italy’s most important contemporary model and actress. As a model, Monica Bellucci graced the covers of magazines such as Elle and Esquire before achieving success as an actress whose notable appearances include roles in Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Matrix Reloaded, The Passion of the Christ, and The Matrix Revolutions. This glamorous volume features 150 of the most exquisite, sensual photographs of Bellucci throughout her twenty-year career taken by the world’s most important photographers, including Peter Lindbergh, Helmut Newton, Fabrizio Ferri, Richard Avedon, and Ellen von Unwerth. Monica Bellucci will appear in the 2010 Disney film The Sorcerer’s Apprentice with Nicolas Cage.
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モニカ・ベルッチ 洋書写真集 / Monica Bellucci☆女優 イタリアの宝石 ファション写真家 大型本 Richard Avedon Peter Lindbergh - アート、エンターテインメント
Monica Bellucci
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